Water Contamination
Contamination can occur at the source and anywhere down the pipe ending at our faucets: the watershed, reservoirs, main pipes, wells, storage tanks and plumbing. Some contamination comes about naturally, while others are knowingly and unintentionally inserted by man.
Examples of Contaminants:
- Microorganisms such as bacteria, viruses and parasites
- Inorganic materials such as salts and metals (arsenic, lead, mercury)
- Organic materials such as synthetic and volatile chemicals (methane, solvents, pesticides and herbicides)
- Industrial waste
- Agricultural waste such as livestock feces
- Sewage
- Pharmaceuticals
- Radioactive substances
Most contaminants have no smell, color or taste so you may not be able to detect a problem if you have one and water can taste different from place to place. Still, there are some conditions or activities that can signal a concern.
Here are some signs your water may not be right:
- Water that has an objectionable or unusual smell, taste or appearance
- Recurrent intestinal or other health problems particular if they are clustered in households or neighborhoods
- Old lead pipes
- Nearby livestock, agricultural crops, toxic dumps
- Stained sinks, tubs and laundry
- Indoor radon gas
- Poorly lathering soaps, shampoos and detergents
- Rapidly corroded water treatment supplies